HIGHLIGHTS, May 7, 2018, County Commissioner Meetings

• Dick Miller, owner of Escalante Ranch on Escalante Canyon Road, spoke with Commissioners about unsafe OHV drivers speeding “up and down the canyon road.” Miller told Commissioners that “we are getting more 4-wheelers and side-by-sides, people who are going 50 miles an hour.” Commissioner Atchley pointed out that Commissioners recently mandated a 35 mile-per-hour speed limit and had signs posted in the area. Miller asked the county to make is harder “for these big machines to unload. Perhaps, limit the use of side-by-sides and 4-wheelers. These are dune buggies, not the usual ATVs.”
Miller and others have brought similar complaints about OHV’ers driving at high speeds in Escalante Canyon. In a Delta County Independent story published in April 2016, Sheriff Fred McKee noted that “during an engineering survey, the average speed for all vehicles was 24 mph, with 59 mph the highest speed clocked.” McKee recommended speeds of 15 to 30 mph, depending on road conditions and suggested added signage.
NOTE: Commissioners recently made it legal to drive ATVs, four-wheelers, side-by-sides, and other off-highway vehicles on county roads under Ordinance 2017-001.
• UNNOTICED AGENDA ADDITION — County Assessor, Debbie Griffith, and County Treasurer, Lisa Tafaya, brought forward a constituent’s request to waive tax interest from property tax owed by the constituent’s church in 2015. The church had neglected to secure tax-exempt statues for the year 2015. Members of the church agreed to pay the back taxes but were seeking forgiveness of the compound interest penalties. Commissioners denied the request. Commissioner Suppes cited the need to maintain standard practices and not set a precedent.