Delta County Citizen Report Annual Meeting

Paonia Public Library, Paonia, CO

JANUARY 31, 2020
3:00 pm

JoAnn Kalenak, President
Bob Kalenak, Treasurer
Alan Wells, Secretary

Call meeting to order
Approve agenda

3:05 pm
Annual board member elections

Treasurer’s Report
a) National Freedom of Information matching grant application

3:30 pm
1) Colorado Secretary of State records review:
Articles of Incorporation
Periodic Report
Nonprofit Business Certificate
Charitable Status Certificate

2) Letter of Determination update

4:00 pm
Bylaws review and renewed approval

4:15 pm
What did we accomplish in 2019?
1) Tip form implementation

What do we want to accomplish in 2020?

1) Newsletter development
2) Commissioner live-streaming
3) Sunshine Week fundraising/education campaign

Business with the county:
1) Status Independent Ethic Commission complaint 19-25
2) Work session notice violations
