Category: County Budget Series
Highlights from the 2021 Proposed Delta County Budget
JOANN KALENAK, DCCR, OCT. 17, 2020 — Delta County Administrator Robbie LeValley presented County Commissioners with the 2021 Draft Budget during a public meeting on Oct. 15. LeValley’s budget message painted a picture of healthy reserves (savings accounts), dramatically increased Read on…
General fund reserves increased $800K according to county audit
JOANN KALENAK, DCCR, Oct. 7, 2020 — Two months later than last year’s report, contract auditor Pete Blair presented Delta County Commissioners and the public his 2019 audit of county finances. Blair summed up his 93-page examination in just a Read on…
Delta County Sales Tax Revenue Jumps in 2019
JoAnn Kalenak, DCCR Blogger — Taxation is a big deal in Delta County. In the results of the most recent election where all tax increase initiatives failed — including a sales tax increase that would have helped fund local law Read on…
KEY BUDGET ELEMENTS: 1) Total allocations = $35,623,713 up $100,000 from 2019 2) Total revenue = $31,697,552 up $800,000 from 2019 2) Total expected ending reserve in 2020 = $13,176,084 up $900,000 from 2019 (37% of total allocations) 3) Read on…
OPINION: County fund reserves aren’t being reinvested enough
JoAnn Kalenak, Senior Blogger, DCCR — For the past several years, I’ve studied Delta County’s budget and audits trying to understand how our citizens are taxed and how our commissioners choose to spend — or not spend — our money. Read on…
2018 county audit shows growing reserves
JOANN KALENAK, DCCR — On Aug. 6, 2019, contract auditor Pete Blair presented Delta County Commissioners and the public the results of his 2018 examination of county finances. Blair summed up his opinion in just a few words, “the financial Read on…