HIGHLIGHTS, Feb. 6, County Commissioner Meeting

1) Twenty-two Delta County residents attended the Commissioner’s meeting to voice their opposition to a scheduled signing of a “memorandum of understanding” asking the BLM to re-nominate an expired lease agreement with Gunnison Energy. (The lease would be for drilling purposes on a parcel located in Iron Point Gulch between Hubbard Creek Road and Stevens Gulch Road.)

Seven constituents spoke about concerns including: the abrupt public notice announcing the memorandum and the subsequent lack of public input; worries over water, air, and seismic activity monitoring; and impacts to property values and lifestyle.

On the heels of a Gunnison Energy proposal to drill 35 wells over three years, north of Paonia, all attendees strongly urged the Commissioners not the move forward with the signing. All three representatives, however, made their intention to proceed clear.

“We are putting this into the laps of the BLM,” said Commissioner Suppes. “This is just a letter of support with the contingency for no surface occupancy,” added Commissioner Roeber. (The memorandum calls for “direct drilling” which is defined as: A fluid mineral leasing stipulation that prohibits occupancy or disturbance on all or part of the lease surface in order to protect special values or uses. Lessees may develop the oil and gas or geothermal resources under leases restricted by this stipulation through use of directional drilling from sites outside the no surface occupancy area.)

A motion was carried and the memorandum was signed.

Listen to the session here.

2) Commissioner Suppes asked fellow commissioners to include more representation from District 2 (Orchard City/Cederadge area) on the Delta County Planning Commission. Administrator Robbie LeValley mentioned a state statute allowing nine planning commissioners, opening the possibility of two additional seats. Chairman Atchely called for further research into the process of adding two new members.

3) Senator Kerry Donovan asked the Commissioners for a letter of support for Bill 022 which concerns the coordination of economic assistance for rural communities experiencing certain significant economic events that have led to substantial job loss in those communities, and, in connection, authorizing the department of local affairs (DOLA) to coordinate nonmonetary assistance and award grant money to assist rural communities with job creation or retention. The Commissioners agreed to support the bill.