1) In the next two weeks, RPI Consulting plans to provide the Commissioners with a tentative schedule for public meetings to discuss the County Master Plan. The schedule is expected to include town meetings, individual interviews and a countywide survey. Area Planning Committees and the Delta County Planning Commissioners have already begun to submit candidates for personal interviews by RPI staff.

2) Escalante Bridge project, located at the entrance of Escalante Canyon, will begin construction at 10am tomorrow, Feb. 14. This project has been four years in the making and is planned for completion in late spring.

3) Karen Koenemann, Delta County’s Director for Public Health has accepted a position as Director of Public Health for Pitkin County. Her last day with Delta County is Feb. 21. The county will put out a notice to fill the position immediately.

4) Engineering and Road & Bridge staff are working to update the county’s Five-Year Road Plan and hopes to provide both historical and proposed improvement/maintenance maps online for public viewing soon.

5) The county continues to investigate dump fees to help offset the cost of a new clay liner planned for future landfill growth. An area fee comparison showed a range of $30 to $66/ton – the county currently charges $28/ton.