HIGHLIGHTS, Jan. 17, County Commissioner Meeting

The engineering and road & bridge staff dominated the meeting. Project updates included:
a. Progress on the Escalante Bridge replacement on Escalante Canyon Road, over Escalante Creek. Four years in the making, this plan is finally moving forward after lengthily negotiations with a private property owner and impact accommodation for the rare Colorado Hookless Cactus.
b. Chairman Atchely asked that all road & bridge district foremen update their 2017 plans for road improvements so that the information could be posted to the country website for citizen reference. The need for a five-year plan for all county roads was also discussed.
c. County engineering is close to wrapping up a county road condition assessment. This data is used to assess the dollar value of county roads and to plan for repairs and improvements.
d. The Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is working with a consulting firm and county staff to develop an access control plan along Rodgers Mesa on HWY 92. CDOT will use the access control plan alongside a possible road improvement project they want to do in the near future. The public will be given several opportunities to provide input. Schedule to be announced on March 6th.