HIGHLIGHTS, Jan. 30, County Commissioner Meeting

1) District Attorney, Dan Hotsenpiller, visited with the Commissioners to describe the kinds of cases his office is processing within the six counties that comprise the 7th Judicial District. Drug and drug-related cases make up the bulk of the workload. At the beginning of each fiscal year, the DA asks each county for funding since the state only pays 80% of the DA’s salary (there are many other expenses). The money and in-kind funding that the Delta County Commissioners commits to this office totals more than $1,000,000 according to County Administrator, Robbie LeValley.

2) Gabe Preston of RPI Consultants, Durango, provided an overview of a presentation scheduled for later in the day to kick off the development of an update to Delta County’s Master Plan. (See highlights of the presentation in a later post.)

3) Delta County’s Assessor, Debbie Griffith, warned the Commissioners of pending cuts in property taxes. She believes the cuts could total more than $500,000 in lost revenue to the county. Pending State Senate and House bills, as well as Gallagher Amendment provisos, will determine the exact amounts.