Gabe Preston, RPI Consulting, presented a broad plan to develop an update to the Delta County Master Plan to County Commissioners, Area Planning Committee members, Planning Commissioners, and interested residents. He began by explaining that a Master Plan “is a guiding document, and not regulatory. It’s a plan to communicate a course for the future. It’s the long view.”

Preston stressed that the main players in the development of the plan would be the Area Planning Committee members and Planning Commissioners since “elected officials come and go…and this plan should last for ten years.”

Local residents will also play a big role via individual interviews with community leaders, area business owners and other residents; public workshop events in each township; and a vision survey both online and in print for the public at large.

Preston described the elements that the final plan would likely include: An assessment of the current Master Plan, other existing plans and studies; a vision statement with implementation goals; a future land-use plan; and a land-use code roadmap.

The first public meeting is planned for late spring.