HIGHLIGHTS, Aug. 21, 2017, County Commissioner Meeting

  • New County Attorney, John Baier, welcomes recently hired Assistant County Attorney, Kayla Dendy (pictured).
  • Commissioners repeat their endorsement of the FRAM Whitewater oil and gas development project in a prepared letter:

RE: FRAM Whitewater Project EA, DOI-BLM-Co-N040-2016-0054 (Fram Whitewater MDP Amendment)

Delta County appreciates the opportunity to comment on the Amendment for the Fram Whitewater Project. Delta County has reviewed the Amendment and associated analysis. Delta County Board of Commissioners submitted written comments on August 2013 on the original Whitewater Project.

The Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) would like to again emphasize the comments it submitted during the scoping for this EA. Any approved plan for sites, access roads, protections of watersheds, protection of air quality, and methods of drilling completion of wells drilled in the project area will probably set the “standard” for any expansion into the remaining portion of the WU. The eastern portion of the WU extends into Delta County and any success within the project area could prompt development into Delta County where similar geology exists. The BOCC supports the proposed project which permits development and mitigates potential impacts within the EA as it appears to address issues in a manner which will provide a base of analysis and requirements for any future expansion of the project area.

The BOCC recognizes the value of these types of oil and gas activities, but also understands the necessity of thorough evaluations resulting in appropriate operating and development standards.

Delta Board of County Commissioners

  • During constituent time, interim director for Citizens for a Healthy Community, Natasha Leger, noted that the Commissioners had already voted to approve the FRAM endorsement letter without public input. She asked that any future letters be discussed in a public setting so that the community could participate in the process prior to commissioner approval. Leger further asked Commissioners if a cost-benefit analysis of the FRAM Whitewater project had been conducted and went on to inform Commissioners about the company’s reporting financial issues. Chairman Atchley said that he didn’t think an analysis had been conducted.
  • Blair and Associates presented the 2106 County Audit results. See summary Citizen Report story.